Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to Real Life

The First Day of School:

The kids have been back to school for almost a month now. I thought I would let you know what a "routine" week is like for our family.

I wake up at 5:15am to DRAG Eric out of bed for swim practice. He is out the door by 5:50am and insists on not brushing his hair because the kids on the swim team have a contest on who has the best "bed head". He practices from 6:15am - 8:00am. School starts at 8:30am so he has time to shower and grab a snack before he is due in class.

Now that I'm the only one awake, I take this precious quiet time to eat breakfast and read the scriptures before I wake Paige up at 6:45am. And SHE TAKES SO LONG TO GET UP!!!!!! She doesn't get downstairs until 7:30am and all she's done is showered and dressed! So now we are in a rush to get her fed, packed, and out the door by 7:55am. So wake her up earlier you say? It doesn't work. Some subconscious something tells her she can't be downstairs until 7:30am.

In the midst of the morning, Corey is bustling around getting ready for work and leaves anywhere between 6:30am and 8:00am.

Okay, so it's 8:00am, everyone is gone, what do I do? Well, I keep myself busy by:
  • doing household chores
  • exercising
  • emailing, blogging
  • FamilySearch Indexing (very fun)
  • scrapbooking
  • shopping for food, clothes, or other
  • going out to lunch with friends
  • planning Sunday lesson
  • taking care of projects around the house
  • reading
  • socializing with friends at the school
  • and more shopping : )

School is out by 3:15pm for Paige and she usually has an after school activity that lasts until 4:30pm. This quarter she is taking yoga, jewelry making, and an "environment saving" class. Eric is out by 3:45pm and he hangs around with friends until we FINALLY make our way out of the school and home by 5:15pm.

We jump right in to homework, practicing piano (lessons on Tuesdays), dinner, family scripture study, and in bed by 8:30am with lights out at 9:00pm! Corey gets home at all different times of the evening. He really tries to make it home for dinner, but then usually has meetings via telephone in the evening with people in the U.S.

And then there are the special things that pop up. Such as this week, we have 2 weddings to go, plus Paige and Corey's birthdays. Friday night we are going to celebrate with friends who are Indian and Saturday night we are celebrating with our expat friends.

AND we've had a wrench thrown into is believed that our landlord has sold the house so now we are back to house hunting. We will be spending most of this Saturday doing that lovely task. So I think there is yet another move in the near future.

So it's a simple life, maybe even boring at times, but our family is together and having fun. We have been truly blessed with many spiritual and material things of which we are so grateful so you'll hear no complaints here!


  1. I am so jealous of those fun after school extra classes!
    And I'm telling you... your life sounds anything but boring. Do you have to find a new place on your own?

  2. What a wonderful experience! We love reading your blog and keeping up with your family. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences - and educating the rest of us! :-) Mary Balagna
