Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our Helpers

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the local Indians who help us each day. Without them, our daily life would be much more difficult.

Lawrence is Corey's driver and drives the Honda Accord

Tamil and Krishna are our security guards who are keepers of the gate; snake, animal, and garbage patrolmen, pickers of fruit, playmates for Eric, and lifeguards (sorta). But mostly, they sit around all day.

Baruk and Sytha are the security guards on the night shift

Vamanan is our Pool Guy. Each morning, he cleans the pool and adds the appropriate chemicals.

Subyiah and Sumunathai (husband and wife, respectively) are the gardeners. They take care of everything on the outside of the house.

Poonkothai is the maid. She comes 3 days a week and mostly cleans the floors, bathrooms, and windows. Without her, the bottoms of our feet would be black all the time. She is in the middle with her daughter, Bagyalakshmi, and son, Arun Kumar.

Ayyappan is my driver and drives the Ford Endeavor. He is "head helper" and keeps all the other helpers in line. He is our main connection to anything India. Without him, we would have crashed and burned a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I'm so glad to see who helps you and how many there are and what they look like. Tell them thank you from your mother for taking care of you all!
