Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Cyclone has landed

A category ONE cyclone has just came a shore bringing a lot of rain and wind.

The Bad:
1) Schools, universities and government offices are closed
2) Some friends are having some leaks/streams in there house

The Good:
1) With everyone stay home riding out the storm the traffic is reduced and I made it to the factory in 1:10 mins, usually takes 2 hrs. Thanks Ayyappan! (our driver)

2) The storm has given me my biggest laugh yet in India. Let me explain....... Have you ever seen in the movies when a car goes through a puddle and splashes some one on the side walk and the person getting splashed is total caught by surprise? Well today I was commuting to the factory I saw a man walking down the road holding a umbrella and as my car hit a very large puddle (pond) this gentleman in a split second directed his umbrella at the wave of water. As the wave collapsed his umbrella and he was getting soaked his facial expression was of such shock and surprise...... Ayyappan and I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

3) Chennai's water supply very dependant on rain water so many of the locals and farmers welcome the rain... There wet, but happy!

4) The rain provides a good cleaning for the roads and houses and cuts down on the dust.

Take care everyone :-)


1 comment:

  1. Honey, I'm so proud of your first blog entry! Jenny thinks you should write a note of apology to the man with the umbrella!
    I Miss you and Love you!
